Tuesday, October 6, 2009


From Drop Box

So, here is the mousehouse in your shoe. Nice, eh?? I just saw a mouse while handwashing the dishes tonight after dinner. It ran out from under the stove. I chased it and kicked at the wall by the china cabinet, and it ran into the laundry room. I kicked at the washer, but wherever it went, it didn't try to come out. I met with the pest guys today and they aren't coming until tomorrow to set the traps and all. Actually, they aren't even traps. I am a little bummed out about that. It is actually poison that they eat, and it messing them up and they get all disoriented, and come out and die in the middle of my floor so I have to then clean them up. I am considering enlisting Luke for the job. Maybe have him use plastic bags, or gloves.. and pick 'em up by their tails and then toss, ugh. Fun!!!!

The guy to replace the hose for the dishwasher called this afternoon and says he can come tomorrow at 4:30pm. I am happy about that! I am thinking about if I should have some friends over or something. I mean...it seems strange to just let a perfect stranger into the house. The pest guys were one thing, but this is just some guy who put his name in the phone book as a handyman.

I am so tired right now - it is just after 8pm. The kids are watching The Backyardigans, and then it is bedtime for all of us - since you interrupted my nap today! ;o) I am glad you called of course - I would rather miss sleep than not talk to you. I hope you have a safe next couple of days. You're in our prayers always, hope you don't see any dinosaurs! If you do, Livea's prayers have you covered.
Miss you, and love you very much.

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